Hammock frame Hippo

194,90 €

Auf Lager

Πληρωμή και σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις

Stylish furniture and baby cradle in one

Load capacity (Kg)
Weight (Kg)
Dimensions (cm)
108 x 140 x 105
Βάσεις για παιδικές αιώρες

Hippo is a real eye-catcher and a proper stand made of untreated spruce wood for the baby hammocks Kaya natura and Kangoo (hammock not included). Hippo is extremely tilt-proof and comes with a swing limiter. Its exclusive design makes Hippo a real gem in your home or garden; it is easy to carry so that you can be close to your baby at all times. If coated with non-toxic varnish, Hippo will withstand any weather condition.

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