Hammock frame Carrello Baby

184,90 €

Auf Lager

Πληρωμή και σε 3 άτοκες δόσεις

The modern alternative to a bassinet

Load capacity (Kg)
Weight (Kg)
Dimensions (cm)
85 x 125 x 101
Ξύλο ερυθρελάτης
Βάσεις για παιδικές αιώρες

The baby hammock Kangoo looks best if mounted in Carrello Baby, the gorgeously shaped baby hammock stand made of untreated spruce wood. But Carrello Baby is also the perfect stand for the baby hammock Kaya natura. (Hammock not included) Its exclusive design makes Carrello Baby a real gem in your home or garden; it is easy to carry so that you can be close to your baby at all times. If coated with non-toxic varnish, Carrello Baby will withstand any weather condition. Carrello Baby is absolutely stable and tilt-proof.

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