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Finally, you are in the mood to go on a vacation with your recreational vehicle! Now, only freshening up the caravan or camper, and then: off to the next trip.
To prevent your good mood from being dampened by dirty pipes and water, Reich has developed a smart solution: the water system cleaner easydriver mycleantank. After all, clean water for cleaning yourself and your tableware is a must and indispensable on vacation. Meaning: freshen up tired pipes. Instead of scrubbing, you can relaxed look forward to your next vacation, because mycleantank takes care of your cleaning.
And that's how it's done: Empty your freshwater tank, add 0.5 liters mycleantank cleaning product and then fill up the rest with water. Then bring on the water!- and turn on all water taps and consumer. If the water running is blue, close all pipes again and let the cleaner do its work:
If the tank is especially dirty, you can also keep the cleaner in over night to accomplish its task. Then, you need to flush all your pipes, meaning you turn up again all taps and consumers and let the tank empty entirely.
Then you flush out the tank thoroughly and fill in fresh water. Now again turn up all consumers, and as soon as now more blue water comes out of your tank, you are done. Small hint for easy color-checking: Fill a glass of water with the tank water and place it on a white piece of paper – thus, you can see easier if your water is still blue, or you are already done.
Start fresh into your next vacation with mycleantank:
Now, the best time of the year can start – clean !