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CampingCard ACSI- crucial for high-quality camping!
With this discount card, you can camp for low prices during the off-peak season. You pay one of four fixed, low tariffs per night. These discounts can amount up to 50 %. And this on more than 3,300 campsites across Europe.
The card works simply. Showing your discount card, two adults can camp for 11/ 13 / 15 / 17 or 19 € on the participating campsites. After just 4 stays overnight* the purchase of the card has already amortized.
All participating sites are listed in the compact guide. The campsites are investigated by the ACSI inspectors every year. You will find detailed and reliable information, amongst them installations/ equipment, texts about the atmosphere, GPS coordinates as well as a route description on every site. The guide comes with a mini-atlas with clear maps with all campsites.
The CampingCard ACSI’s discounts are valid during the off-peak season. These periods vary from site to site. In the guide, you will find out exactly when which campsite accepts the card.
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