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Πληρωμή και σε 5 άτοκες δόσεις
Aerodynamically designed, fully automatic, receiver independent system.
Aeodynamically designed and fully automatic sat system with precisely shaped 65 or 85 cm powder-coated dishes made of aluminium, that guarantee best reception even on the edge of the footprint areas. The receiver-independent Maxview Target needs only one button for operation and finds one of the 5 preprogrammed sattelites (Astra 1, Astra 2, Astra 3, Hotbird und Thor) within a very short period of time. Their high quality motors and gear, run submerged in a fully encapsulated oil bath, thus gfuaranteeing functionality of the device for years. Required updates for software and new sattelites can easily be carried out via the well accessible USB port. Preassembled cables allow fast and uncomplicated installation.
Scope of Delivery:
Motor-operated external unit with dish, low-noise LNB, control box, mounting materials.
Technical Data:
Control Unit
Choose the desired satellite by green LEDs with positions 1 – 5 (1=Astra 1, 2=Astra 2, 3=Astra 3, 4=Hotbird, 5=Thor) and start searching. The control unit always retains the satellite last chosen. Other satellite configurations on request. Software updates are implemented over the front USB port. Delivery includes universal brackets for vertical or hanging installation. Dimensions W 20 x H 4 x D 13 cm.