Origin Outdoors Ξύλο Maya Stick 1 kg

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Γ� weight 20 g per piece, Natural product, weight may vary, length 19,5 cm, FSC-C006366

Categories :

Wood grills
ca. 1 kg
Charcoal Barbecues
For 3800 years, the Mayans have used natural pine shavings as candles and lighters. The small logs have a high resin content that burns more easily and hotter than paper, wax and other kindling. To start a fire in nature, simply plane off a few chips from the tinder stick with the back of a knife and ignite with the kindling steel. These fire starters are harvested from the stumps of the Pino del Ocote". For a short time, the resin rises from the roots into the stump. The stump is split into small pieces by hand. These pieces are sorted by hand and then packed. Maya Sticks are a super kindling that comes from non-endangered, non-rainforest trees that have not been felled for this purpose."

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