Reliance Αναδιπλούμενη τουαλέτα Fold-To-Go

59,00 €

Auf Lager

set up 36,8 x 36,8 x 36,8 cm, weight 2,3 kg, max. load 130 kg

Maße (B x T x H)
121 (x3) x H150 cm
Belastbar bis
130 kg

The robust and compactly foldable 'Fold-To-Go' toilet is designed for outdoor use and emergencies. It can be set up and used very quickly. Simply unfold the legs, snap them into place, attach a toilet bag (e.g. Reliance 'Double Doodie') and you're ready to go. The toilet can withstand a load of up to 130 kg and is therefore suitable for adults as well as children. It folds compactly and takes up little space during transport or storage.

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