0,00 €
Keine Produkte im Warenkorb.
- Maße (B x T x H)
- 44.5 - 26.5 - 25.2 cm
- Maße (B x T x H)
- 44.5 — 26.5 — 25.2 cm
- Maße (B x T x H)
- 44.5 — 26.5 — 25.2 cm
- Maße (B x T x H)
- 44.5 Γ— 26.5 Γ— 25.2 cm
- Tragfähigkeit
- Ø 12.5 x 28 cm
- Packmaß
- 55 - 27.5 - 8.3 cm
- Packmaß
- 55 — 27.5 — 8.3 cm
- Packmaß
- 55 — 27.5 — 8.3 cm
- Packmaß
- 55 Γ— 27.5 Γ— 8.3 cm
- Belastbar bis
- 120 kg
Foldable plastic step with extra-large: slip-resistant tread and practical carrying handles. Ready for use in seconds. Sturdy: heavy-duty construction. Easy to transport and stow away when folded.