BasicNature Επιθέματα για φουσκάλες

9,30 €

Vorbestellen (Lieferung in 15-20 Tagen)

5 blister plaster large 5,5 x 3,7 cm, 5 blister plaster small 2 x 6 cm, Single use, Stick up to 7 days, Box 14 x 3 x 10 cm

Kategorien :

Erste Hilfe
Erste Hilfe
Waterproof and flexible blister plaster to relieve the pain and pressure. Protects the blister from dirt, friction and bacteria. Apply to the clean, grease-free and dry skin. The plaster sticks to the skin up to 7 days. We recommend removing the plaster only after it has loosened by itself. Use the blister plaster until the blister is completely healed. Stored in a splash-proof box for to go. Contents: 5 blister plaster large and 5 blister plaster smal.

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