Origin Outdoors Εστία μαγειρέματος Scope με πιεζοηλεκτρική ανάφλεξη

31,20 €

Vorbestellen (Lieferung in 15-20 Tagen)

Performance 3.000 W, Fuel Gas, Weight 185 g, Gas consumption 156 g / h, Γ� 7,5 x 7,6 cm, with wire control valve, with piezo ignition, for the use with valve gas cartridge, carry bag made of polyester
Stainless steel (3000 W) gas stove with large, foldable pan supports and brass valve. The light and compact stove can be used for screw-type gas valve cartridges and is therefore immediately ready for use. Equipped with piezo ignition and carry bag. Ideal for backpacking and general camping use.

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